Winner take all

ALL written by Janet Quin-Harkin start with Erin and her brother Roddy playing a video game that they father bought for them; in which she was a better player than her brother Roddy but this is just an introduction to a typical teenage romance book in which the mean character Enn IS a insecure and Shy person that always fall in ‘ove with the wrong boys with her best friend Valerie always with her thought here love interest of Paul Hartmann, Matt Stevens and Harry Holsen.

All ofthis make Erin a loser at love, all the boys she fell in love ith never really loved her back. I think Erin was the type of person that always was looking for love instead of sometimes is better to wait. Aso it shows the usual high school drama and romance’ first dates, PACE 1 ora dates, first love, conflicts and all of the things that come with falling in love. The most important thing in this novel is that love with always find you so don’t push for it too hard it Will find you sooner or later.

The thing that caught my attention was the fact that she had Iow Self-esteem causes her to be exaggerated fear of making a mistake and to always be looking for someone to love her. I think this novel is a good story to be read by teenagers because it makes you see all the trouble that you go thought when you fall in love with the wrong per son. The relation of this novel with life is falling in love with who doesn’t love you in part of life and you most by ready to stand up and continue. I think Erin should be a stronger person with a higher self-esteem that would make her stop running to lave.