
esto no tiene validez.. solo es una prueba POLLU ION Pollution is nothing but alteration in composition of the atmosphere, all those materials strange and some are not strangers, by excessive emissions begin to be detected or increase their concentratlon causing environmental damage and such, are considered as contaminants. Pollution is a big problem that is affecting the whole environment around us covering water pollution problems, air and soils. Contamination Worldwide Land As a dynamic planet that is Earth is exposed to the action- sually gradual and imperceptible, factors that modifry their physical characteristics.

The soil erosion is a result of these Swipe to page processes and only t causes. The waters, gravity are the natur however, contributes his thoughtless actio ora ds. to View pen ts Is the havoc it ame terrestrial Ion. The man, rse because of report, g million inhabitants of the world’s soils are so damaged that they have lost most of its biological function and probably never regain their productivity. Although the problem is not unique to any ountry or group of countries, nearly 65% of severely eroded lands are in Africa and Asia.

Soils are affected, for example, when overpopulation forces to occupy the area formerly occupied by the topsoil, where the waves erode the coast having no natural barriers (such as mangroves, coral reefs, etc. ) when the land is subjected to a grueling pace of of crops lose their firmness and end suffering wear. Waters Contaminate water pollution is life itself. Throughout the life cycle, reproduction and food of man, animals and the sea is profoundly affected. Certain microorganisms are killed by the huge and phosphates and chemicals dumped into the seas and rivers.

This creates layers of algae, in turn, annihilate the aquatic vegetation and the disappearance of it, breaks into the marine. At present, all the world’s oceans are affected by oil spills. Almost every year, spilled into the sea 3. 5 million barrels, either deliberately or by accident. The Mediterranean basin is the world’s most polluted sea, in addition to oil spills from ships, terminals and refineries, its waters annually receive more than 00,000 million tons of domestic waste, agricultural, industrial, nuclear plants. The Atlantic, meanwhile, contains more than 100,000 T of radioactive waste.

Air Any particles of solid or gaseous material that accumulates in the atmosphere and may cause adverse effects to human life or the environment, is considered polluting. Air pollution can be concluded, is an Old problem. A century ago, was caused mainly by smokestacks that testified to the rise of the Industrial Revolution. Today, sources have diversified and the effects have been expanded. Coal, especially in China and Eastern Europe remains the largest polluter, but emissions from motor vehicles, industry and home heating predominate in many places.

The World Health Organization estimates that about 625 million people are exposed to unhealthy levels of sulfur dioxide (SO to unhealthy levels of sulfur dioxide (S02) and more than one billion to excessive levels of airborne particles. The main ingredient of urban smog is ozone, one ofthe worst pol utants produced by automobiles. This gas forms when sunlight causes hydrocarbons react with nitrogen oxides and ave become a threat to many cities worldwide, including Mexico, Santiago de Chile and Madrid. Respiratory diseases are a real problem in these cities.

Nuclear Energy Nuclear power is cheaper than the heat, but produces harmfu wastes. The radioactive waste, which can take centuries to become inert, is transported to landfills for very long journeys. Although many precautions are taken, the potential for accidents exists and can be very serious consequences for both life and your habitat. The recent nuclear disaster in Chernobyl Ukraine, killing over thirty people, the evacuation of thousands nd the loss of livestock and crops, but their future effects may be WOrse.

The concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere protects from ultraviolet rays of the Sun during recent decades, however, has been detected a decrease, especially in the Antarctic polar, which has been attributed to the use of chlorofluorocarbons and could cause damage crops, marine plankton and tissues of living beings. JOSE JOAQUIN FERNANDEZ DE LIZARDI KARLA DANIELAJUAREZ CURIEL FERNANDO SOTE O SANCHEZ POLLU ION IN THE WORLD 31_1f3 Para obtener un punto.